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Raheen National School Projects include:





















Best wishes and continued success to the pupils in the Sixth Class who graduated from Raheen on June 21st.




Our trip to Atlantaquaria was a brilliant learning day for all.



We had fun on our Sports Day.


A little bit of History in Raheen today. The solar panels have been installed successfully in Raheen NS. Thank you Solgrid for your professionalism.


Congratulations to Petria who represented the school and won an award at the Write a Book Celebration at Galway Education Centre, on May 22nd 2024.

Well done, Petria!




We collected batteries for the Laura Lynn Foundation.

With the help of our parents, extended families, and the parish community, we collected batteries that Wee recycles. Funds are allocated to The Laura Lynn Foundation, Irelands' only Children's Hospice. We were delighted to be involved with this worthwhile project.











Lego League Presentation Day with Medtronic and Galway Education Centre.

What a wonderful day in the Clayton Hotel on May 21st at the Junior Lego League Presentation Day.

We listened to other schools as they presented their work. We noticed their design features and how they coded their pieces. We wondered at their Masterpieces! We explained our projects and demonstrated our coded models when it was our turn. We were interviewed and photographed. 

Afterward, we enjoyed robot dancing. Thank you to Galway Education Centre and Medtronic for sponsoring this wonderful and creative event.






 The Lego League begins.






World Book Day.

Guess Who? Well-known characters for you to identify.





Characters for you to identify. Guess Who?



Artwork using watercolours and paint resist technique for Valentine's Day.





Pancake Tuesday.

We were creative in the classroom using the Crepe maker to cook the pancake mixture. We included healthy options with fruit and berries. We enjoyed the delicious pancakes.




Explorers Presentation Day.











Happy St Brigid's Day !

We had an amazing workshop today in school making St Brigid's crosses. Maith sibh!  Well done to everyone.







People in our Community.

This week we received visits from business owner and artist Bernice and Physiotherapist Eamon.

They gave us interesting insights into their education and their working lives. Thank you for sharing!





The Explorers Programme in association with Foras na Mara, The Marine Institute.

We welcomed Sibéal on Friday, January 19th to the school.

 Sibéal set up the fish tank for us and, introduced us to saltwater species including Goby, Mullet, Prawn and, Crab.

We will monitor the temperature and feed the fish for several weeks. Good luck with the project everyone!


Recycling used batteries.

The boys and girls have collected 3193 used batteries, over 10 boxes, which will be recycled by WEEE  to contribute to  the Laura Lynn Foundation 


Slieve Aughty, 2023.

The pupils had a wonderful day, trekking through the woodlands on horseback, in Slieve Aughty Equestrian Centre. Here are some highlights of the day's schedule.













Art Workshop.

One of the highlights of the term was learning how to paint using watercolors and a variety of techniques and brush strokes, with artist Martin Staunton.

Míle buíochas, Martin.












Christmas Drama.

We hope that; you enjoy these short presentations as much as the pupils did when creating them.  







 Scenes from Alice In Wonderland.



Christmas Raffle in Raheen NS.

The Christmas Raffle took place on December 21st, 2023. Thank you to the parents, teachers, staff of the school, and the wider community for your generous support.  We acknowledge Treacys, Duffys, and Concannons for displaying the hampers and supporting the school's fundraising efforts. Míle buíochas. Thank you very much. Nollaig Shona!



Science Show. On December 1st the pupils held a science show in Raheen NS. All pupils took part. Here are some images from the day.



Science Show in Raheen NS.

In preparation for our science show, the senior students made and decorated some treats for sharing.







Christmas Decorating in Raheen NS.

The pupils have been busy creating decorative Christmas displays in preparation for the festive season. We hope that you enjoy them.







Project Work.

The pupils in the middle and senior classes have been working on a variety of History projects including this one on the Vikings. Using the wealth of reading and textbook materials available in the school, in addition to researched information on the school iPads, the pupils worked as historians and integrated visual arts, literacy, and numeracy in their projects. Keep up the good work!


Artwork from First, Second, and Third Classes.

The boys and girls in the First, Second, and Third Classes have been working diligently this term to create interesting and exciting new pieces.

Maith sibh, a pháistí. Wonderful work!





Spooky Trees in Raheen.

The pupils in the Senior Room experimented with Kandinsky circles around their Spooky Trees for Hallowe'en. Maith sibh a pháistí.

Kandinsky, the artist, painter, and theorist, loved circles because they could create qualities of balance, order, and symmetry in his art. He enjoyed the visual process of repeating circular motifs in a wide variety of ways, from overlapping forms to dizzying concentric designs. Kandinsky is generally credited as one of the pioneers of abstraction in Western art. Born in Moscow, he spent his childhood in Odesa, Ukraine, where he graduated from Odesa Art School.










Welcome to Local Artist, Martin Staunton.

We were delighted to welcome artist Martin Staunton to Raheen for this school year. Tús maith, leath na hoibre. We are off to a wonderful start with sketching and shading.

Every week there will be a wealth of new elements to discover and explore with this wonderfully talented artist. 










Raheen National School embraces Universal Design for Learning.

The New Curriculum offers the pupils an opportunity to represent their learning in a variety of ways.

 Pupils in the senior room can write a project, build a model, record a podcast, or create a PowerPoint presentation all the while encouraging pupil creativity and imagination.

Here are some examples of model-making and science experiments based on Longships and magnets.









Hurling Coaching in Raheen National School.

We have always been fortunate to have dedicated and talented coaches at Raheen National School. This year, 23-24 we were delighted to welcome Cian Ryan, to continue our association with local hurling clubs. Céad Míle Fáilte, Cian.

As the pitch was in great condition, the pupils enjoyed skills, drills, and mini-games in the Autumn sunshine.  





Gardening in Raheen National School.

 You may recall the beautiful flowers that blossomed in Spring 23. When the pupils returned in September, they were surprised to harvest potatoes and dwarf carrots. Ar fheabhas a pháistí !





A Promising Year for the Killimor Hurling Team.












What a great morning we had when the Killimor Hurlers came to visit, with their trophy from the County Intermediate Hurling Final. 

Students and staff were delighted and excited to hold the cup and celebrate the win with team members, many of whom were past pupils.

Good Luck to the team with all of their future endeavors from all in Raheen National School.

Go n-eirí an t-ádh libh!











First Lego League,2023: Superpowered.

Pupils from Fifth Class presented their "Superpowered" project about renewable energy, at the Lego Explore Expo, in Galway Education Centre, on May 31st, 2023. Congratulations boys and girls. Maith sibh a pháistí !The project and project materials were inspirational and afforded differentiation and challenge through universal design for engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Míle Buíochas to Carmel and the team in Galway Education Centre, for the welcoming and inviting atmosphere on Presentation day, the opportunity to learn from other schools, and the award presented to Raheen NS, which we cherish.



Raheen NS Sports Day 2023.

We had a brilliant Sports Day at Birr  Outdoor Education Centre, on June 2nd, 2023.

 To begin with, there were team games such as Camouflage to get warmed up. Next came Archery where the pupils showcased their skill and technique to target the bullseye. Rock Climbing followed and the pupils could climb the tower from different angles and experience different challenge levels. Then the obstacle course presented a variety of fun and challenging events. A day to be remembered!











In March, parents, staff, and friends of Raheen National School,  held a Tea Day fundraiser, for the Irish Cancer Society, which yielded over 500 euros.

Thank you all for your very generous response.




The new school playground features include hopscotch, target throws, an obstacle course, and counting and alphabet trails. 











The Explorers Programme in collaboration with The Marine Institute,2023.

The final workshop of the Explorers Programme, a collaboration with the Marine Institute took place yesterday. The pupils showcased their poster projects, diorama( 3-D sea models), and computer scratch games,  and air-played their iPad presentations on Apple TV. Ar fheabhas ar fad ,a pháistí !





La Fhéile Phádraig,2023.

Bhí drámaíocht, damhsa , ceol agus craic i Scoil Naomh Chuan, ar feadh seachtain na Gaeilge 2023.

Bhain na páistí taitneamh agus tairbhe as plé le cumarsáid agus rólghlacadh nuair a chuir siad Fionn Mac Cumhail agus an Bradán Feasa, agus Scéal faoi Setanta i láthair. 











Spring has arrived in the School Garden in Raheen.

Spring by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Nothing is so beautiful as Spring –         

   When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;         

   Thrush’s eggs look like little low heavens and Thrush         

Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring         

The ear strikes like lightning to hear him sing;

   The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush         

   The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush         

With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.       





Tá na daltaí scoile i Scoil Naomh Chuan ag cruthú agus ag cumadh. Tionscnaimh iontach a pháistí !


 Tá an t-Earrach tagtha faoi dheireadh. Tá na páistí óga  i Scoil Naomh Chuan ag obair go dian, ag cruthú agus ag cumadh.

The pupils have been very busy creating, composing, and designing Spring art projects. Using electrical circuits they powered the  Minions they created for Engineering Week 2023. Obair iontach a pháistí!









Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday! Hurray!


Happy Valentine's Day!    What wonderful art!     Obair iontach a pháistí!     Maith sibh. 













 Art Displays.

Maith sibh a Pháistí. Well done!



Golden Wings.

Golden Wings.

The school library has been reorganized to showcase a wealth of reading material which will be extended further in conjunction with World Book Day.

The Junior Class enjoy reading library books from their extensive library. Senior students are reading and reviewing the classic novel “The Phantom Tollbooth”. “Portumna” Library has gifted the students with copies of “Golden Wings” by Susan O’Donoghue in association with Birdwatch Ireland. This beautifully illustrated book about the Barn Owl is an inspiration to our Senior students who are finalizing their “Write a Book Projects”. Thank you to the staff of Portumna Library for their collaboration and support.







St Brigids Day.

On February 1st, 2023 the students made St Brigid's crosses to celebrate Lá Fhéile Bhríd.

Artist Bernice Cooke collected the reeds locally and visited the school to explain and demonstrate how the cross is made.

Thank you, Bernice. We enjoyed your workshop.









Explorers Programme.

 The students had a visit from Rory Marine Scientist with Atlantaquaria, who gave a presentation on the topic of life in "The  Deep Sea". We will be completing projects and making presentations for his return visit.







Coding with Lego 2023.

The Lego League has commenced and we are taking part. The title of this year's project is "Super Power". The project explores Climate Change and Energy sources and the students will be using the new Spike Lego set to code their models for an Expo in April.










Christmas Hamper Raffle 2022.

The Christmas Hamper Raffle took place on December 19th after the Christmas Nativity and Carol performance.

Congratulations to all of the prize winners and thanks to all who supported the raffle.



Christmas 2022.

Grandparents, parents, and friends gathered in Raheen NS for the Christmas performance of Jack and the Beanstalk

and The Nativity Play on December 8th, 2022. The students were excited to have a live audience again and gave very 

entertaining performances. Afterward, the visitors and students celebrated the season with refreshments.

Wishing all of our students and their families a very Happy Christmas.








The students enjoyed a fabulous Halloween Trip to Slieve's Aughty Equestrian Centre.

After the pony trek to the Enchanted Forest, there was Face painting, Arts and Crafts, and a Halloween Show.

Finally, we had a delicious picnic before our return to Raheen N.S.







Science Week in Raheen N.S.

The students travelled to Birr for activities in the Pavillion about Climate Change.

They also experienced a tour of the Museum along with presentations on Astronomy and the History of Birr Castle.




Science Week.












Looking back and Looking Forward.

The School Year 2021-2022 was a joyful one for the Staff and Students in Raheen. The School Terms were full and busy with projects from the  Write-a-Book initiative from Galway Education Centre and the Cephalopod/ Ocean Science project in collaboration with the Marine Institute. The pupils had an engaging experience with the First Lego League and Arts Blast with Artist in Residence, Therese. 

Hurling and Football in Raheen were all about having fun and keeping active. Games and challenges drew smiles and laughter on the playing field. 

The school days were a busy mix of discovery learning and discussion, pupil research, pupil presentations for the class audience, think pair and share activities to stimulate creativity and teacher-directed learning. The pupils enjoyed developing new skills such as cooking for Pancake Tuesday.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to the new school year 2022-2023, and to enjoying lots of fun-filled learning experiences.




Fund Raising for Ukraine 2022.

Following the Clothing collection by the parents and parishioners in March 2022, the Irish Red Cross was invited to the school to accept a cheque for 200 euros.

When Brian Madden visited the school in June, he spoke with the pupils about the work of the Irish Red Cross nationally and internationally.

Thanks to the parents, pupils, and parishioners who contributed to this vital fundraising event.





Local History Trip.

The pupils visited Portumna Castle and Workhouse on their recent local history trail.

Our Tour Guide at Portumna Workhouse brought us on a journey of workhouse life in the 19th Century.

Afterward, we had a picnic on the lawn of Portumna Castle in the beautiful sunshine.

Next, we were treated to an informative tour of Portumna Castle. Later we roamed through the Walled Gardens and played in the Maze.

Finally, we visited the local Supermacs to relax and refresh after a brilliant history trip.





















School Sports 2022.

On June 20th we had a brilliant day of sporting events and activities. New to our sports this year were the Football Dartboard,  Relay Basketball, and  Football Shootout! These fun-filled games combined with obstacle courses, relay races, PUC fada, and Cic fada to name a few, ensured a great day for all the boys and girls in Raheen. It was topped off with ice cream for all of the boys and girls. Thanks to the staff team who organized everything for the day. A super day in glorious sunshine!










School Tour 2022.

The boys and girls had a wonderful and exciting day in Wildlands on June 21st.

The Junior Classes enjoyed Baile Beag, Mini Diggers, Playground Fun, and Fairy Trail.

The Senior Classes enjoyed Ziplining on Zip n Trek and Fun wall Climbing.

We had a great Tour Day!













Hurling Championship 2022.

The Senior Classes travelled to picturesque Kinvarra on May 31st for the Cumann ns mBunscoil Hurling  Championship Blitz.

The teams taking part were: Abbey, Ballyturn, Kinvarra, and Raheen.

Raheen played a skillful and tenacious style of hurling winning 2 out of 3 of their matches.

Relishing the opportunity to play another game, the school team played a challenge match to conclude the day's event.

Ba mhaith linn buíochas  a ghabháil le Ms. Murray agus Colum as ucht an cabhair mhór ar an lá.





Arts Blast 2022


We took part in Art's Blast this year when Artist in Residence; Therese, came to our school.

We had fun creating and exploring with clay and oil paints on various materials including canvas and wood.

At the end of the program, we had an Art Exhibition at our school and were delighted to showcase some of our art pieces.

We were spontaneous and enthusiastic participants in Arts Blast 2022. Thanks to Therese, the School Staff, and Galway Education Centre for their sponsorship.









Explorers Programme from Foras na  Mara; Institute of the Marine.

Cephalopods; Squid.

We participated in the Explorers Marine Science Programme in 2022 and enjoyed webinars and workshops with Dr. Maria from the Marine Institute. We carried out our research on the school iPads and presented our projects at the end of the term. We completed sketches, cartoons, diagrams, and mindmaps in our workbooks. We had an exciting workshop on dissection to finish the programme.




















































































































Congratulations to the pupils in Raheen National School who graduate today June 30th, 2020.

We wish the pupils and their families a safe and happy Summer.

From the Teachers and Management of Raheen N.S.


A warm welcome back to all of our pupils and parents as we commence the school year 2020/ 2021.

Information for parents is available on the " Latest News" page and you can view our policies on the" Downloads" page.

We look forward to a happy and productive year.

After a very busy first term, we enjoyed an action-packed Halloween Party, with Costume Parade, Art and Craft, Rock Hunt, Pumpkin Hunt, Bingo, Guessing Games, and Cinema.

We are exploring Farm Safety as part of Social Personal and Personal Health Education.

November 4th: "Know the Signs". Farm safety signs.

November 11th: Safety with Farm Machinery.

Science Week is taking place this week and we are involved.

 There will be Science Videos, Science Labs and experiments, and a Virtual Science Exhibition on November 22nd for families.

We are looking forward to Science Week.

 Watch out for our experiments and investigations on our website.


After a very positive and productive second term delivered online with Seesaw and Zoom, we are delighted to return to the Classroom Space once more.

The pupils have been using all of their skills to progress through the curriculum and to remain connected.  Maith sibh!

























School year 2018/2019 Highlights.

Watercolor painting classes in school with Martin.

Dance it out with Angela classes for all pupils.

Swimming in Coral Leisure, Ballinasloe for all pupils.

Christmas Pageant in Fahy Church.

Show and Tell for parents with dancing and singing, pupils projects and displays.

Football Blitz in Cappataggle.

The Sacrament of Confirmation in Quansboro Church.

First Lego League Exhibition in Galway.

ESB Science Blast Exhibition at the University of Limerick.

The Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion

Hurling Final in Loughgeorge.

"Sport and  Watersports" Educational Trip to the University of Limerick.

Graduation Ceremony.




Click here to view our Gallery

Welcome to our website!                                   

Raheen N.S. is a three teacher school in the parish of Fahy/Quansboro, Ballinasloe, County Galway. Raheen N.S. was established in 1960 and extended in 2010.
Today Raheen N.S. is a modern well-equipped school, with extensive school facilities to include bright, spacious classrooms with interactive whiteboards, laptops and iPads for the pupils, a School Library, Tennis Court and Ball Wall, Basketball Court, Soccer pitch and Hurling pitch.
The school Staff team include three teachers, one S.N.A., a secretary and caretaker.
Raheen N.S. has been awarded 3 Green flags from An Taisce for the school's commitment to Environmental Awareness and Care, for its dedication to Reducing, Recycling and Reusing, and for its Water and Energy Conservation.
The pupils have been awarded the Discover Science and Maths Excellence award since 2006 for their Science and Maths Investigations and projects.
In 2017, the school was awarded its first Active School Flag and Active School Award for its commitment to hurling, swimming for all class levels, tennis coaching programme, dance and movement breaks as well as Active School tours.

It is our aim that each child will be happy in our school and will achieve his or her full potential.
We hope our website will benefit and interest our pupils, parents, friends and community. We hope it will provide an insight into the vibrant school life in Raheen N.S.




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